ON MY MORNING WALK: The Heron Project III In the last segment of "The Heron Project" I discovered that there was a baby heron in a nest, high up in a pine tree on "Heron Island" in "Walden." I returned a day later in the hopes of seeing the little guy again, starting out from home early in the morning but as it turned out I was too early - there were no adult herons at the nest and only a small hump of feathers could be seen in the nest as the baby slept. I returned later in the morning and by then the mother heron had returned... ...and then I saw to my great delight, there was not one scruffy bundle of feathers in the heron nest but two! Baby herons are cute but definitely not pretty! And they were hungry...very hungry and demanding, "Feed me!!!!" They were very active now that the sun was up and warming them, giving me a good view of both of them......